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DEE-P Families!

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IEPs for Children with Severe DEEs

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Overview of DEE’s and DEE-P

Thank you to our 2022 Core Sponsors

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A Note About Site Information

Fully populating each topic with carefully curated resources is a work in progress. The most complete resource pages are in the topic areas of our completed webinars, where we have brought leading national experts to lay out the most currently available relevant information with specific focus on the rare epilepsies. Each resource page will have a consistent structure organizing information on (1) webinars, (2), slides and webinar handouts, (3) tools and guidance, and (4) research studies. The drop down menu shows all topics for which we plan to develop a resource page, but ones for which no content has been developed will be faded and not have an active link.
We welcome your input and suggestions. Are there topics of interest to you and your community which are not reflected in our itemized topics? Would you or your community like to recommend relevant resources on any topics for inclusion on this site which you believe can be of value for families with a different DEE/ diagnosis? Please write us at with your feedback, input or recommendations. 


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We recognize that your privacy is important. Our privacy statement outlines the types of personal information we receive and collect when you use this website, as well as some of the steps we take to safeguard information. Please read more here.