Laatste afgelopen Evenementen

Traveling with your medically complex child

In this extended discussion, we will hear from a group of DEE moms about how they manage and plan for adventures and travel with their medically complex children - both nationally and internationally. Hear all about packing, planning, meds, supplies, special equipment and more. Ask your questions of these seasoned mom travelers and learn their…

Increasing Access to Clinical Trials and New Treatments Across the DEEs

Join us for a conversation about a promising model of clinical trials for new epilepsy treatments that accelerate access to the wider community of DEEs. The “basket trial” design is used in clinical trials for medicines aiming to treat symptoms of those living with DEEs, including seizures. This broad approach is different than the current standard…

The Inchstone Project Community Update – Spring 2024

Please join The Inchstone Project Research Team for an update on the progress of our efforts to create a range of assessment tools that can accurately measure progress in our loved ones who are more profoundly impacted by disorders and are consistently left unmeasured. We will share an update on the massive data collected via…