Brain Surgery

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Webinars and Videos

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Epilepsy Surgery and Rare Genetic Epilepsies


Presentation Materials

Tools And Resources

online tools

Epilepsy surgery, Mayo Clinic

Epilepsy surgery procedures and outcomes, UCSD Health

Life after epilepsy surgery, University of Utah Health

Types of epilepsy surgery, Epilepsy Foundation

When to consider surgery, The Brain Recovery Project

Brain surgery before age 3 months effective way to control seizures.

If you have a suggested tool or resource, please contact us.



Memory rehabilitation and brain training for surgical temporal lobe epilepsy patients: A preliminary report; Loes Koorenhof et al (Open University, UK, Seizure Journal)

Predicting outcome of epilepsy surgery in clinical practice: Prediction models vs clinical acumen; Anne Kathararina Fassin et al (Epilepsy Center Hessen, Germany, Seizure Journal)

Surgical disconnection of epilepsy network correlates with improved outcomes; Elliot G. Neal et al (University of South Florida)

Trends in hospitalization and readmission for pediatric epilepsy and underutilization of epilepsy surgery in the United States; Yusuke Okubo et al (UCLA Fielding School of Public Health)

If you have a suggested article, please contact us.

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